vineri, 29 mai 2009

The drugs ( The white dead)

People today consume drugs more then ever.Because they want to feel more than usual. It is wrong to say and do: "try just once for curiosity. If you try once you will wish to try again and so without to realize the addiction. We are easily influenced and some entourage is destroyer. Circle of friends who spins is one of the causes leading to drug addiction. "If you take it, why not try it?" And so it begins ... and then follow the pinch

Drugs are substances artificially created by man, either from plants or by chemical. Regular consumption of drugs leads to the appearance of respiratory disorders, weight reduction, and women appear irregular menstruation. From the mental may occur: anxiety, changes of state of mind, paranoia, extreme fatigue, irritability, depression and serious insomnia, restless sleep. Drug usually end in suicide, overdose, myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney blockage and hepatic cirrhosis.
The main drugs:
Heroin It is a drug that produces much stronger state of euphoria. Is extracted by chemical methods of morphine. People who use heroin are subjected to a high risk of becoming addicted. Heroin is a kind of powder and is sometimes combined with other substances. It can be also injected. The effects of this drug are dramatic. Consequences: cardiovascular and respiratory problems. Other effects: constipation, disorders of sexual or endocarditis. But may lead to the reduction of vision and to pneumonia, to coma and even death.

Cocaine. It's a pretty powerful drug that can quickly lead to addiction. It presents in the form of crystalline powder of white color. Can be inhaled or, if is in a liquid form can be injected. Has a rapid effect on the body, what effect lasts up to 20 minutes of cocaine effects: nervousness, depression, irrational acts, hallucinations, paranoia, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, brain haemorrhage.

Ecstasy. Takes the form of tablets or capsules. The drug produces pleasant sensations, sensations of happiness and harmony. This drug primarily affects the brain. Marijuana.
Marijuana is mixed green, brown or gray leaves of, stems, seeds and dried flowers of the hemp (Cannabis Sativa) and greenish appearance of tobacco cut very fine. All types of marijuana hallucinogenic effect of low intensity, disturbing brain function

At this addiction I will not write in a treatment, only those who can help a drug dependent are specialists at centers dexintoxication.

However life is to short, don't make it shorter by using drugs


3 comentarii:

  1. I think that this people who consume drugs are making abig mistake. Always this thing is killing you if you don;t know when to stop.

  2. Hi,Maria!Nice blog and very interesting ideas.
    Unfortunately many people to feel better get in extreme situations, such the consumption of drugs.And in my opinion this in very sed.
    bye bye.

  3. before saying that drugs kill...i must to say that every person in part that consume drugs kill themself....the decision is in your hands not in the drugs power...
